pruurut prurutut pruttttt tutt ~~~~~ *tiupterompet
eh ngga boleh ding, ntar gue ditegor FPI. Eh tapi kan gue ga pake terompet pakenya mulut, gapapa dong???
So What did you do last night to celebrate thes new year eve???
Me, just slept at home, and got up when I heard the fireworks above the sky. Well actually I wanted to pee so I went to the toilet and suddenly the fireworks on fire. Yo it's 2016 already.
Happy New Year, lets sleep again.
So the first thing I did this year was pee.
Thanks 2015 for such an amazing horrible fucked hilarious year you made. You see, I through it all, I survive. I depressed, stressed, yet I'M STILL ALIVE.
What doesn't kill me makes me stronger, stand a little taller. #yousingyoulose
There are so much things happened and changed in just a year, even in a day in 2015. For the first time in my life i felt so dissappoited by what my significant one did to me, to us exactly. I never thought she would do that disgusting stuff I hate the most that made it all broke after all these times.
You will find people that kind, and mean in your life, some may hate you, some may love you. some may break your heart, some may be so lovely.I know it. I know it's what called life. Belum lengkap rasanya hidup kalau belum ngerasain bahagia, sedih, kecewa, awut-awutan. Those all the colors of life. Make them as lessons to be better.So I do. Gue juga jadiin masalah itu sebagai pelajaran, gue rasa gue jadi tambah sabar, bisa menekan ego gue, nahan marah, lebih bijaksana, cieeh, ngga deng. Tapi gue jadi gampang negative thinking sama orang, gue jadi susah percaya lagi sama orang. Emang gitu sih kalo udah dikecewakan sama orang yang disayang. Yang disayang dan yang katanya sayang aja bisa buat kita kecewa, apalagi orang lain yang ngga sayang banget. Wajar sih, ya...
Okay, let bygones be bygones, life must go on.
By the way, what are your resolutions?
Mine; Banyakkk!!
Yang paling penting gue bisa naik kelas dengan nilai yang memuaskan di UAS 2 nanti. Minimal 80 lah nilainya.
Menjahit gue juga makin bagus, bisa dikirim ke Jakarta buat perwakilan sekolah.
Punya laptop sendiri yang kuat buat main game, bisa ngedit, dan ngga gampang ngehank.
Punya hape baru yang specnya kekinian, yang RAMnya besar.
Punya kamera digital FUJI XM2.
Traveling sendiri. please... gue pengin banget liburan sendiri, udah hampir 20 tahun ngga pernah pergi jauh sendiri. Paling ngga sebelum 20 gue mau liburan sendiri jadi ngga diatur-atur.
Sering update blog, konsisten dalam menulis, walaupun yang baca dikit. dll, dll.
Semoga resolusi kalian tercapai, saya juga. AAMIIN.
Leave 2015, welcoming 2016.
Once again. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!
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